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Article Title: Larry The Outlaw
Author of reported comment: meme
Comment Date: 01:23 on Feb 21 2009
Comment: In my opinion, this film is a very biased interpretation of "the truth"--Di Sabatino's interpretation. He put a camera in the faces of those who had a bone to pick with Larry. Therefore, focusing only on the negative aspects of Larry's life. Not much mention of all the souls that came to Christ through Larry's ministry. In, my opinion the good far outweighs the bad. Yet, Di Sabatino, who is bitter because Larry would not allow him permission to use his music in the Lonnie Frisbee film, has set out to smear Larry's name and portray him as a devil. In the end, the real truth will prevail, when God who is the only judge of Larry, will declare him blameless because all his sins are under the blood and remembered no more. And God will say, "Well done," as thousands of souls are ushered into the kingdom on that final day because of Larry's witness. God bless Larry Norman!
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