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Article Title: Clubbing
Author of reported comment: Lucas P. L.
Comment Date: 19:46 on Mar 17 2009
Comment: Steve, thats soooo tiiight!!! Its soo awesome that you are doing this! The last line of the article was amazing and it makes perfect sense. Dude!! God bless you! I'm in Canada and its soooo hard to find anyone who knows about dnb, the only place where I have ever actually heard them play it before is Toronto, our biggest city. I love dnb ever since I was introduced to it 2 1/2 years ago. I think its pretty friggin sweet that there are Christian dnb artisits out there!! Remember, "A man reaps what he sows."- Galatians 6:7 God bless you. Hopefully I will be able to buy your music in the future.
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