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Article Title: Witness
Author of reported comment: Dan Elliott
Comment Date: 12:05 on Mar 18 2009
Comment: As a friend of the family I may be a little biased here but when I listened to both of Leah's albums and the live performances I was able to attend I was so focused on the meaning and depth of the lyrics that I did not notice any "holes" as you so delicately put them. After all isn't the Christian Music movement all about an expression of your love for God and the aim not so much to produce an album that sells but to produce a work that draws people closer to God and expresses the artist's own experiences with the Lord? We can't all be Tim Hughes' or Matt Redman and get massive movement/organisations behind us after all! Leah's sincerity and desire to worship God really shine through making the albums pleasurable to listen to over and over again - more so for me than Tim Hughes or Matt Redman or any other big name worship artist! Please let us not get to the stage where a Christian artist fails to have an impact because they can only produce low budget albums! Christian worship is an expression of love and gratitude - if there is anything else in it then I think the artists themselves need to question their sincerity!!!
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