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Article Title: The War: Science And The Church
Author of reported comment: Lawson
Comment Date: 11:43 on Mar 21 2009
Comment: Thanks Paul for sticking your head above the parapet again with another inspiring piece. All I know is that with all my schooling and science lessons ( many years ago I admit) I never learned what real love was until I met with Jesus. Then I learned the most important lessons of my life, which can be summed up in a poem I read in a book a few years ago called Dead Men walking by Lee Jakson. To laugh is to risk looking a fool To weep is to risk appearing sentimental To reach out to another is to risk involvement To show your feelings is to risk revealing your true self To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss To love is to risk dying To hope is to risk despair To try is to risk failure. But risks must be taken Because one of the greatest risks in life Is to risk nothing Those who risk nothing Do nothing, achieve nothing and become nothing They may avoid suffering and sorrow But they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love or even live Chained by their uncertainties, they are slaves They have forfeited their freedom. Only a person who risks all that he cannot keep, To gain that which he can never loose... Is truly free. I suppose whether you are a scientist, Christian or both it is about spot on. God bless you Lawson
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