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Article Title: Life Before Birth
Author of reported comment: C
Comment Date: 16:43 on Mar 22 2009
Comment: I am really finding this hard to read. It is just so misinformed it is untrue. Firstly it is scientifically wrong, anyone who get's their scientific information from the Daily Mail should think long and hard before putting it on the internet where impressionable minds can see it. I find it very irresponsible. To start with what was described in the very first story is scientifically not possible. There has not been the development of the organs in the baby to take meaningful breaths. It is not large enough or strong enough. The reason the lowering was recinded was due to the fact that barely any babies could survive at 20 weeks. What is also described is illegal and they are serious accusations made against that doctor. Second story, yes it is sad, however, doctors, believe it or not cannot predict everything, it is unfortunate. Baby Brandon story, to believe that God intervened is fine if that is what you want to believe, much more likely is a mistake from the medical team when reading results. But believe what you will. All I ask from this is try to put a slightly more balanced viewpoint because as it is, this is biased, wrong and cannot be taken seriously by anyone.
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