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Article Title: Living World
Author of reported comment: Nick Szkiler
Comment Date: 01:20 on Mar 27 2009
Comment: Track 14 - 'Souls to love and cherish' is identical to track 4 except that the vocal is replaced by a Tenor Sax solo - It's about children- Souls to love and not problems to solve. To some extent it's intended as a concept album. 'Krakow' was inspired by nightmare Kevin Leach had following a visit to Kaziemerz in Krakow where 60,000 Jews were lost in the Holocaust. It's a moving lament for the lost but would be incomplete without the next track - One way to Zion - which is almost a history of the Jewish people and the hope for the future of the 'One New Man'. The album is intended for a secular 'Radio 2' audience and is carefully crafted to avoid words which would prohibit secular airplay. It's intended to be inspirational which is the word used in responses to recent airplay on Premier Radio. Most reveiwers have commented on a Steely Dan - Christopher Cross feel to some of the tracks - praise indeed!
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