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Article Title: The Damned United
Author of reported comment: Viv Neville
Comment Date: 19:32 on Apr 4 2009
Comment: True life stories that cover important life issues gladden the heart. There is so much to say on the issues surrounding this story. It is a shame that there are so many inaccuracies in this film but putting that aside we will all glean what is important to us as individuals from this story. Accurate or inaccurate some of the main points are humility, pride, envy, rivalry, honour, appreciating and working with individuals strengths & skills, forgiveness & love between friends. I love the David & Jonathan relationships in life, when you see them or experience them they are so great. Thankgoodness Brian Clough had the good sense to humble himself before Peter Taylor, and that Peter had the capacity to forgive. Being conscious of our failings and having the humility to say sorry is a wonderful characteristic to have as we journey through life. A friend hurt a few of us really badly quite a number of years ago. Ten years ago I was leaving my home town for good and I prayed so hard that before I left, this person would say sorry. Three days before I was leaving, this person contacted me and said "please will you come and see me now, I have something to say to you." I went immediately to see this person and found him crying and saying "how will you ever be able to forgive me for what I have done to you?" I told him straight away that I forgave him. As soon as we ask God to forgive us, he does. Also throughout our lifetime most people have many friends, with some of those friends we definitely experience a "Philia" love for. The "love between friends" relationships are rare, but very special. If we ever experience these relationships we are truly blessed. As were Brian & Peter. Great article Paul.
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