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Article Title: God Arrests Our Attention
Author of reported comment: Wendy
Comment Date: 09:27 on Apr 30 2009
Comment: I couldn't agree more. This "crisis" was definately brought about by power and greed. Thank God that He has finally got the worlds attention. I believe now is the time for people and businesses who put people before profit to shine. Let others cover themselves in darkness and put there heads in the sand. Yes the next few years are going to be very tough and many people will be struggling financially and emotionally. It is our job as Christians to reach out and be a shining light to those in need and to give them our love and compassion unconditionally. As we know the darker a place is the brighter the light will shine - let us share our light with those in need and all work together to get through this. I hope and pray that lessons will be learnt and when we come through this we will be able to build a stronger world based on love, care and compassion for others which will truly be a testimont to God's love for the world and His people.
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