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Article Title: Post Christendom, But Not Post Christ
Author of reported comment: Karen
Comment Date: 18:41 on May 9 2009
Comment: I can accept the point that Bev is making in this article and there is a lot of truth in it. I have often thought that the Edict of Milan in 313, which officially sanctioned Christianity in the Roman world, may have ironically helped the dark side more than the Light for all of the reasons stated by made it politically correct to be Christian and eliminated the need to make a choice to actually follow the way of Jesus. Church and religion are not the same thing as genuine faith. Before 313 Christianity was a faith, not a religion in the ritualistic sense and, like Bev, I think there is a need to return to the basics. If the "Church" were to disappear suddenly, faithful followers of Jesus would still be the Body of Christ that constitutes the church.
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