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Article Title: Delirious?
Author of reported comment: Katie
Comment Date: 02:24 on May 29 2009
Comment: Dear Lucila, Thanks for your concern for us Catholics. I think maybe you've seen Catholics who dont' understand their faith because if you really know Jesus' mother you understand she only wants us "to do whatever He tells you" as she said at Cana. And as you honor your own mother (I hope) who prays for you and you depend on her to pray for you, so too with Mary. Once we are alive in Christ, no matter if our body dies, we are alive eternally and so as Hebrews 12:1-2 says, the best way we can encourage each other is to "cheer them on" or pray for them. Try going to to learn more of the Catholic faith so we can fulfill Jesus' desire 'that all my be one' - we can be different in traditions, but worship the same Jesus. God bless you, hermana-- Con carino en Cristo, Katalina
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