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Article Title: Fallen Angel
Author of reported comment: Christopher Hopper
Comment Date: 15:49 on Jun 2 2009
Comment: Despite a family's wishes, people are going to make news about anyone in the spotlight. Sad, but true. I'm not sure what the entire documentary focuses on, but I would hope that Di Sabatinio remembers him well. I felt the promo trailer slightly disturbing as our scriptural example is to remember people as they were under the anointing. Of all people to create a documentary on his leader's failings, it was King David. But his lament at the end of Samuel was anything but critical. "The Beauty of Israel," he calls him. Bottom line: we are called to remember one another as we were under the anointing. True love keeps no record of wrongs, and it grieves me to see a film that does otherwise. Norman Family, I stand with you. And I'm grieved that anything but words of life are spoken about your father, your husband, and your friend. ch:
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