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Article Title: Brutal Planet
Author of reported comment: Bob
Comment Date: 04:57 on Jun 5 2009
Comment: I've been a social worker and psychotherapist for about 15 years now. This album shines a light on the ugly reality of sin in a broken world--brutal planet indeed. There are passages in the Bible that present such an outlook. I'm reminded of God's comments around the time of the flood story. He was grieved that he had created us in light of all the evil he saw. I believe Alice has caught a glimpse of this, and it's a very important reality to recognize. I think it is in light of this reality that we can more deeply appreciate the love that God has for his fallen creation. When I think that God sees all of this, and still reaches out to each of us with love, forgiveness and the power to change, it's overwhelming. The harsh reality portrayed in this album makes the songs of hope and salvation in his other works all the more meaningful. It was also nice to realize I'm not the only one that has seen the darkest side of human nature; and believe me, I have. Thanks for sharing the journey Alice. God bless ya.
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