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Article Title: MP Expenses Scandal
Author of reported comment: Lynda James
Comment Date: 12:45 on Jun 6 2009
Comment: Excellent thoughts, Paul. Someone said to me, the other day "It's human nature is to try to get away with breaking the law." My take on it is that without the constant counsel of the Holy Spirit we will all stray from the narrow path which leads to 'Life in all it's fullness', back onto the broad path which leads to destruction. When Jesus gave us a new commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves, he did not abolish the Law, but fulfilled it. He gave us the 'Spirit of the Law' to encompass the 'Letter of the Law', but without the Holy Spirit we just cannot do it. We all know that this latest scandal is just the tip of the iceberg and I'm sure there will be plenty more revelations to keep the media headlines sensational for a good while yet. Let's keep praying for our leaders, all all walks of life, that Jesus, the Light of the World, will shine brightly and dispel the darkness which crouches ever nearer.
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