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Article Title: George Younce 1930 - 2005
Author of reported comment: Gary Bryant
Comment Date: 23:17 on Jun 12 2009
Comment: I grew up in the small town of Athens, Tennessee where I attended a small church with my grandmother and aunt. From a very young age, I sang gospel music in that small church. I grew up listening to the sounds of southern gospel music. My favorite group was always the Cathedral Quartet. My favorites were, of course, Glen, George, Mark, and Danny. That was a long time ago. I am now 44 years of age living in Texas. When we lost Glen and George to move on to their reward in heaven, I felt like I lost a part of my family. I never knew my grandfather, but I can tell you if I could ever choose one, I'd want him to be like George or Glen. I love you both. You are in my heart. I still listen to your music. This world is a lesser place without you, and heaven is a greater place with you. Thank you for making a mark on my life.
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