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Article Title: MP Expenses Scandal
Author of reported comment: Viv Neville
Comment Date: 07:31 on Jun 15 2009
Comment: As this news broke and unfolded, the general feel from my circle of friends and colleagues was disbelief and disappointment. However, imagine having your wrongdoings paraded in the newspapers before the world, how embarrasing. I am reminded of some of the lyrics from Yfriday's new song "There on the cross" the lines which I feel are appropriate in this instance are "What would I have been, If it wasn't for Jesus" A lady today has sent me a lovely thought "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in us/you" Let us continue to pray for those in leadership and powerful positions that God will enable them and us all to make good decisions, that will benefit all. Great article Paul with some very appropriate thought provoking points.
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