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Article Title: Live: After All These Years
Author of reported comment: Alan Keefe
Comment Date: 09:39 on Jun 22 2009
Comment: 'I never shall go back' was certainly one of my favourite Glorylanders songs - nice to hear from the person who wrote it. Next time I bump into Bill Simmons I'll try to remind him of your comment. I know that after they'd pretty well finished playing regularly in the UK they were still very much in demand in Germany where they had a great following and they did produce a 'live' recording (I think on CD). Having recently seen Peter, Paul & Mary on BBC4 doing a live concert for the Beeb years ago I was reminded that The Glorylanders used a lot of the same material and had the same close harmonies. Oh and a little know fact - Arthur Pemberton's cat once swallowed one of my guitar pegs while Arthur was teaching me a few chords. Fame eh!!
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