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Article Title: Authentic Music: The corporate convolutions of a UK Christian music company
Author of reported comment: Dave Clemo
Comment Date: 17:50 on Jun 22 2009
Comment: I agree with Rob. my concern is with the lack of opportunity to perform and/or minister in the UK. Ten years ago it was bad, now it's almost non-existent. If you're not part of the resident band in a large church, or supported by a para-church organisation there are very limited places to play. Churches don't do music events on a local level like they used to. That's a real worry. I can't continue a music ministry on one booking a year, no matter how prestigeous it may be. No-one can. Without the opportunity to play every week, or better still three or four times a week, these bands (as good as they may potentially be) will never achieve the breakthrough they may deserve. On average a top US act plays 250-300 dates a year. In the uK it's more like 25-30. This is bad for the musicians, for the ministry and will ultimately make us poorer
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