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Article Title: Christ For Me
Author of reported comment: John Mcswiggan
Comment Date: 16:43 on Jul 31 2009
Comment: I have to agree with Peter Freemans comment above. I've heard Edwin play and perform live many times and he is nothing like Boyzone. If I were being very cynical I would suggest that Andy Cooper hasn't bothered to listen to the album and has perhaps tried to draw a tenuous link to the only Irish band he knows, Boyzone. Edwin is not manufactured , he is not even pop, it's an album of modern hymns for worship. Moreover, the comparisons to Michael Ball & Russel Watson undermine the objective reality that Edwin has an astounding voice. For those who do read the review it does a terrible diservice to a very talented artist. Don't be put off by the misguided comparisons and judge for yourself.
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