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Article Title: Time Tunnels
Author of reported comment: Ian Henley
Comment Date: 11:25 on Aug 13 2009
Comment: Hi. I'm Ian from the Alethians. Usually refferred to as 'Dave Pope and The Alethians'! Which, quite honestly, became a true joke and not a bone of contention as some may have thought. I know Dave Pope, Chloe (Chris) Harrison, Moss (Maurice) Perkins are all still living in here in wonder Gornal inDudley. Both Moss and me are in the worship band at Calvary Church in Kingswinford. Not sure if Popie a Chloe are doing musically, But I'm sure John Daniels (Guitar) spent some time in the US, got married and, last I heard was living on the south coast of England. He has worked on a number of albums with Charles Timerlake - see Dit (Dianne) Timmins (as she was then) is now married to Howard McCallum and living in Doveridge, Staffs and her and hubbie are both ordained ministers in Burton on Trent, CI Church. Very involved in Worship, Prayer & Intersession. Phil Hampton is living on the south coast. We met up for coffee just a few months ago. He's looking very old and grey (white?) Yeah. Just like me in fact! Now, let me see... Ah yes. Dave Anfield - last I heard - was living in a sort of arty commune teaching music and worhsip ministry (I think!). Finally, my wife and I are involved in www.GreaterThings.Org.Uk. God called us to work together with NLI in supporting Church Planters in Eastern Europe. Such a joy to be involved! Anyways, that's all I have for now. If I can get the others to contribute I will.
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