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Article Title: Noel Robinson: Building Bridges Between The Black And White Churches
Author of reported comment: Derrick Opio Ukumu
Comment Date: 12:35 on Aug 17 2009
Comment: Noel is an amazing artist. He is so passionate about his God that even while leading worship, you see it in him and i also love the way he is soin love and in touch with his guitar. I liked the way, he kept telling us to always pray and also know yr instrument so well (skillfull). He inspired us so much that when we got to our church for rehearsal, we had a spill over effect of what we had just experienced in a worship leaders workshop down here in kampala, Uganda. God bless you Noel and the team (Yolanda, Donna and George). An amazing group of people. You define what a team should be. Shalom!
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