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Article Title: Christ For Me
Author of reported comment: Trevor St. Bruno
Comment Date: 16:35 on Aug 21 2009
Comment: If memory serves me correctly, Mr Cooper has for the past decade been working for a leading maker of digital sound desks as their training sound engineer. This means he has to train sound engineers and help them out at gigs until they are fully acquainted with the desk. He has worked with Eric Clapton and U2 in the rock world to opera houses throughout the world. Now, if only he knew another Irish band..... He was often seen at Cross Rhythm festivals mixing for artists of all styles. I have met him there a few times. The article wasn't knocking this Irish tenor and when you re-read it and take away your own subjective thoughts, will realise it is fair. Opinions are like tummy buttons. Everyone has one! Andy's opinions though, are well founded and written without prejudice! I wonder how many of you actually know the man or even go to the same church as him!
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