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Article Title: Knowing Who You Are In Christ
Author of reported comment: Yoli
Comment Date: 20:00 on Aug 27 2009
Comment: Alan, I believe we all struggle with feeling accepted by God, especially when we mess up. But we must "believe" that He loves us regardless and remembering His love never changes. And I totally understand where you are coming from in the sense that we feel we have failed God when we mess up. And we get into this place of always trying to defend and prove who we are b/c we're insecure and ashamed. But He brought our souls up from the grave and redeemed us in our worst state so of course He still loves us just as He always has. We must forgive ourselves inorder to believe God forgives us and not hold on to our mishaps and setbacks but reach out to God We have to be so real and close to Him that we know what He says about us and how He feels. I suggest to read Psalm 51 it is beautiful.
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