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Article Title: Do Not Be Yoked With Unbelievers
Author of reported comment: Mr J Dixon
Comment Date: 09:09 on Sep 5 2009
Comment: I was a non Christian when I met my then Christian Girlfriend 13 years ago, That Christian girlfriend is now my wife of 7 years and we have just been granated the wonderful gift of a baby Daughter, I became a christian because of my wife's love for god and I have never looked back since, God has opened doors for me and set out a plan for my life which is clear in my mind, God is good, no!, God is great and very real in my life and turned my life upside down and I would not have been able to meet and have a relationship with him if I had not met my wife. I realise I may be an exception to the rule and it doesn't always work but I feel I have to write and say it can work, Like it says above "by the grace of god" and thank goodness we can now both walk together in the light and praise and thank god for what he has and continues to do in our lives.
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