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Article Title: The Homeless Church
Author of reported comment: P. Olivas
Comment Date: 05:16 on Sep 7 2009
Comment: "We have been to churches that bribe people to be part of the "vision" of the church, telling them that they are part of a special group that will entice others into the body" I heard about a pastor who told his small flock a vision God had given him...something about his church growing to be able to tithe 500 people to the mission field, strongly implying that the church was going to grow to 5000 members. That caused many to bring their friends, their talents, and most importantly, their pocketbooks with pens ready to aid in the cause. I also heard about a pastor who told his church about a great wave of revival that was going to begin in their town and sweep across the land... strong inference given that it would begin in their church with him being the annointed leader. I would imagine that is the type of manipulative vision being referred to here. Very sad indeed. Yes, Tom is right. Spiritual leaders can and do use visions to manipulate their people and traffic in buying and selling people for their perceived value to themselves and their churches. Idealistic young believers are especially easy prey. It's just so wonderful that there are ministers like Tom Brock who will point this out and call the church to a higher place of home, family, and intimacy. Foundationally, believers need a place of belonging..a place to be on mission from so to reach the lost. They need a home where they hear their spiritual shepherds say,"You are safe here". After all...that's a shepherd's ministry.
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