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Article Title: Do Not Be Yoked With Unbelievers
Author of reported comment: Joe Higgins
Comment Date: 13:45 on Sep 11 2009
Comment: C ! Corinthians 7 deals nicely with these matters of the heart. All translations are good but I prefer The Message for it's consise contemporary language. My wife became a Christian more than 10 years before I did - her faith and prayers overcame my taunting and mockery and I gave my life to Christ 8 years ago - far from me pulling her away from the Church, her love pulled me into it, for which I will be eternally grateful. I know many men (real blokes blokes if you know what I mean) who are now active members of the Church because of their relationships with their partners. Remember if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move a mountain - I've seen many mountains moved
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