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Article Title: Do Not Be Yoked With Unbelievers
Author of reported comment: J. B. F
Comment Date: 17:31 on Sep 26 2009
Comment: It is true what you are saying. I expect you are married. What happens if you are a single woman and in the minority. There are few single christian men avalable in the U.K. gOD WILL NOT MAGICALY GIVE YOU A FAMILY. hE WILL not pick you up from the station like other spouses do. He will not be there in the flesh sleeping next to you at night. If you really belive what you say is right then Be a man of God who prays and fasts regualyy for the single Christian women in the U.K WHO ARE SUFFERING THE PAIN OF PARTNER LACK. That is my realty. I need a husband to be a Godly covering. I wan a man to shower my love on and to have His children. I am not a hafrodiet I can not self fertilise. i HAVE BEEN A CHRISTIAN 16 YEARS. 9 of those years over the age of 21. I obayed God to brake up with three diffrent men 2 of which were Christian. 1 non Christian,. Still no partner. Nice life. You try being my age and copeing with out a partner! i WILL STILL FOLLOW gOD BUT HE NEEDS TO SHOW UP SOON. aND FOR MY FRIENDS g AN y WHO SUFFER THE SAME THING.
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