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Article Title: More On Michael
Author of reported comment: Arisa
Comment Date: 00:21 on Oct 11 2009
Comment: Michael received the lord years ago and has always mentioned his love for jesus and the words of the bible but i guess you would have to be a fan of him and his music to appreciate that. During 2005 MJ prayed with Reverend Jesse jackson and Al sharpton and called upon jesus and his faith was amazing during the interview he gave on Fox with Geraldo giving all praise to Jehovah above. Michael also prayed for an anointing of the holy spirit with the crouches three weeks before he died and was asking about how he could make his music more spiritual hence the term "this is it" as it signaled the end of his worldly music. go to Andrae crouches Face book page, there is now a statement released by his spokesperson Dave that says Andrae' has now told Clifton Davis (when he saw him at MJ's family funeral on Sept. 4) that he is "confident that Michael Jackson knew the Lord." This was reported by Clifton on TBN's "Praise The Lord" on 9/8/09, Tuesday night to the world. (Dave) god bless u and jesus be with you always
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