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Article Title: The State Of Black Britain Symposium
Author of reported comment: snooky
Comment Date: 17:58 on Oct 16 2009
Comment: Great work guys but c'mon, if there is one thing that riles me, its talk of the 'Black community, the 'Asian' community, etnic minorities etc... this kinda talk only increases the divide between people in this country. This country built a degree of tolerance and freedom for all, to recognise fellow man as equal, not a lower form of life or second rate citizen. To continue to talk and encourage 'diversity' and 'the Black community etc' defeats the very thing so many people from ALL backgrounds have worked hard for or even died for. Let us unite under one banner, one flag, one God and live by the ethics of justice and love, an ethic that so many people aroun the world would love to be part of. God Bless
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