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Author of reported comment: John Widdowson
Comment Date: 00:12 on Oct 18 2009
Comment: This is a really good collection of Parchment songs, and with the rare single "You Were On My Mind." However, I prefer the original album running order of the songs, especially where "Death In Jerusalem" runs into "Gift" on the LP. I'm glad I kept their 4 LPs because there are 4 songs missing on this CD set. "Zip Bam Boo!," "Shine On Me," "Borders Of Belief" and "Golden Game." It's a pity they were left out, it would have made this an excellent collection. "Borders Of Belief" was composed by Keith Rycroft who had already left the band, so John Pac lead the vocals. (I also have Keith's version of the song.) Overall, a very good CD set to add to the Parchment collection. You won't be disappointed.
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