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Article Title: Creation
Author of reported comment: alex mackie
Comment Date: 02:38 on Oct 26 2009
Comment: this film is not based on any historical facts, i will explain. 1. Darwin never saw his book as the death of religion, and this was not how it was recieved by the church or christianity as a whole. Most just saw it as an insight into how god created us, and as they had started seeing these fosills everywhere they wondered what this were saying. It was allways accepted by the church untill the Scopes trial which wasn't based around scientific darwinism but social darwanism something much worse and something i am completely against. 2. And the only reason he became an aethist was because of the death of his daughter and how she had suffered when dying. And im sorry to say that it is impossible to take genisis litterally, 1. There are two genesis stories, 1 in chapter 1 and another in chapter 2, there are two different stories and if they were meant to be taken litterally then i suspect god would of just had one story instead of two. 2. When comparing these stories, biblical scholars believe that the first story in chapter 1 is much older than the other one, so therefore someone wrote that one later. They also sequenced how the creation happened in different orders, so contradict each other. 3. When these were written they were never meant to mean 7 days it means in hebrew 7 passages of time, and how could there be a day started or timed untill he had created light in the expanse of sky on the fourth day and thats when he created the day. The last thing i want to say is that i am anti Dawkins who in my belief is anti religion and islamophibic, the main reason i do not like him is that he tries to be something he is not, by asking questions like 'who created god then' a question that can be answered by anyone who studys philosophy of religion in the smallest amount very easily.
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