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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Smoore
Comment Date: 17:21 on Oct 27 2009
Comment: I know this is a few years old, but it grieves me to see the angry comments that some Christians have left for a fellow brother. Yes, the Bible does teach that marriage is forever and divorce is going against God's design for sexuality, but I would direct all of you who jump down his throat to read John 8:1-11. This woman brought before Jesus was caught in adultery, for which the penalty (given by God in the Jewish law) was death. Jesus—God—refused to condemn her and told her accusers that they were just as guilty and deserving of death as she. Then he told her to go and leave her life of sin. If we apply this very similar story to Kevin's life, and respond as the Son of God responded, then no one has any justification for judging. Jesus did point out her sin, but He did not punish her, He just told her to live from that moment on a life that would honor God. We would say to Kevin, "Brother, I am terribly grieved over your divorce. It is a tragedy, as you most certainly know. It is a sin, but our loving Father is faithful to forgive, and we can rejoice together in that. I will be praying for you and Amanda that God will bless your marriage and life together."
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