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Article Title: Beautiful Life
Author of reported comment: lynsey atherton
Comment Date: 22:32 on Nov 3 2009
Comment: I have listened to this album and I totally agree with the comments that have been made. 'Beautiful Life' shows Shell's progression and musical maturity and although I love 'Have You Heard' I have been so impressed with 'Beautiful Life'. It is an amazing album that tells God's truth and promises in such a clear and relevant way. Shell is also able to tackle certain issues in a light hearted manner and so her sense of humour shines through (Don't take your clothes off!). This album is a great listen and quickly becomes addictive. There isn't one song I dislike, but 'Nothing's gonna stop the rain' and Everytime I Fall' are my favourites. Defo worth a listen. The time, effort and attention to detail put into the making of this album is evident throughout. I cannot recommend Beautiful Life highly enough. It is a great listen. I can't wait to see it performed live!!!!
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