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Article Title: Gardening Tips For Married People
Author of reported comment: Mike Gaul
Comment Date: 20:43 on Nov 8 2009
Comment: I enjoyed the theme of the article. Cultivating a relationship or a marriage requires attention for even a small detail, just like a garden. What people put or plant in their own garden is up to them. Mr. Poulton hits on many important points. Communication is right up top in my opinion. There are no crossed signals, (another song title for you Paul...) and the threat of a dispute is stopped before it can do damage to a person's feelings. People often marry for attraction first and then everything else second. Having married someone that way the first time, I can tell you it didn't end so well. The second time I'm happy to report was based on love, as well as asking an imortant question. "Do I like this person I'm with right now?" I answered Yes. It's been 6 years of rough and smooth waters, but my wife and I love and like each other. Lastly humor is a great way to add to each others lives, often removing problems from becoming burdens. Laughter is a gift from God, and should be cultivated as well. I perform stand-up comedy on a weekly basis, I have had more then one couple come up to me after I was done my set and tell me that despite their own problems, they were able to laugh and enjoy themselves. That makes me feel great!! May all of you and your "Better-Halfs" always set time aside to cultivate your personal gardens. Once again a great article, and great writing Paul Poulton!!!
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