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Article Title: This Side Of Heaven
Author of reported comment: Peter Valle
Comment Date: 19:31 on Nov 11 2009
Comment: Keith, when I heard your cd, I was 14 years old. What really caught my attention about "This Side Of Heaven" was the unique style and variety of music. I have been a musician all my life. I am 31 years old today. But as I was saying, your music inspired me to encrease my vocal range as a singer and improve my musicality as a musician. But above all, I loved the passion and how you put and transmitted your emotions and feelings into what you write and sing til today. The album, "This Side Of Heaven", not a day would go by without playing your songs. It took me 2 and a half years to finally reach your vocal range. Keith, I am a musician, song writer, composer and arranger today and I must say you trully have been an inspiration to me and a vesel that God has use to bring many blessings to God's people. As one of your songs say, "For Unto Us A Child Is Born", meaning our Lord and Savior JESUS. Keep rocking for JESUS Keith, because remember, one day God will call you home and say to you, "well done my good and faithful servan". God bless you dude. All the best.
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