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Article Title: Hip-Hop Crisis
Author of reported comment: Just Another Servant
Comment Date: 00:04 on Nov 20 2009
Comment: I'm Irritated... i understand that He is a forgiving God and that no sin is greater than the other... but can you please help me understand... i mean did you not see the face of your wife... and vice versa cause it does take two to tangle... Jesus help us... come on fam... for real, i'm generations under you and to be honest we make it harder for the generations under us to Preach Jesus and LIVE Holy because we disqualify ourselves. and people on the outside looking in 1.don't believe us when we say that God is real (the response: He couldn't save you so how is He gonna save me?) 2. they say, "what makes your life any different from the one i'm living now? I'm praying for not just Truth (Ironic) but for EVERYONE who is involved... and i'm SURE it's not just Truth...he was probably the only one man enough to confess it. and also praying for All the other "superstars" you know in heaven... you're gonna be just another angel worshiping the Father... not a superstar angel... Go DEEPER and KNOW God!!
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