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Article Title: Hip-Hop Crisis
Author of reported comment: ruby
Comment Date: 02:58 on Nov 21 2009
Comment: I loved the truth in the past and still do.the thing is, we cannot put our trust in man, God didnt make man for that. So we cant look upon him as if he was a God, so yes its possible that he have fallen, the most beautifull thing about it though is that he didnt stay in that place, but out of respect for his fans and his God he asked for forgiveness. there is one thing in our lives i dont care how save we are; we are always going to struggle with that one thing. The flesh is so strong that God himself could not understand why man continued in sin even though he had made an escape for him, until he sent his son Jesus to live in this body to experience why we do the things we do. Thats why i love God because everyone is not going to look at Da truth the same but God still see the anointing and the power he has on his life, Thats y i love him so; he's gracious. But I love you Truth and im praying for you.May Gods peace stay with you
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