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Article Title: Hip-Hop Crisis
Author of reported comment: kia
Comment Date: 04:04 on Nov 23 2009
Comment: don't be self righteous people....any given moment we all can sin. Are u without sin? are you perfect? repent and turn away from sin and get back to loving God. yea it hurts when a mentor, leader, role model slips but accept he/she as a mere man/woman that is indeed weak. God is strong so try not to put people on such high pedestals, only God will not let you down b/c He is /was sinless. pray for the saints all over the world in all diff positions. da t.r.u.t.h, and ambassador im praying for you. may God shine His love and kindness upon your faces and wipe away your shame. And to their familes prayin that God will bring healing. God Bless!
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