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Article Title: The Best Of Andrew Culverwell
Author of reported comment: Ruth Limkemann
Comment Date: 03:00 on Dec 3 2009
Comment: I'm 91 years old, living in a Senior Living Apartment and caring for a husband who has Altzheimet's. I've been a Christian since I was 20 years old. I remember the first time I heard Andrew sing. It was over a Christian Radio Station. The song was, "Who do You Say That I Am?" I thought it was the most beautiful song I had ever heard. I immediately bought that record and every record that he made. One song now, I would like the words to. I've disposed of the records. The words that I remember are: "through some other eyes, I began to realize" So many times I've looked on the internet to find out about Andrew and Sue. Sue and I used to correspond. Is she still living? I loves these people so much. I corresponded, too with Andrew's mother. Am so happy to have found this site where I can read about him, and will come back often, so keep writing.
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