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Article Title: Hip-Hop Crisis
Author of reported comment: Michelle
Comment Date: 03:10 on Dec 5 2009
Comment: I will be in prayer for my brothers and sisters... I just pray that what scripture really says about how the Lord will make a way of escape that we will surrender to his will and let it be done. The one thing I remember in this case is when David did the same thing with Bethsheba. That day he just didn't feel like doing right!!! Like sometimes we do but it's always still a choice. We curse our offspring when we fall into temptations because now we've allowed our sin to defeat us. So what about our kids, now they have to fight our demons. Not trying to be harsh in any way but I've been there and was sat down as a youth leader. I allowed myself to get trapped but I also thought that since I was singing, praying, praising and worshiping GOD on a regular that I was sin free. Not so..... I heard Bishop Noel say that when you're high on yourself that's when we become vulnerable to the attack of the devil..... that was me!!! Now we have to be real with ourselves and know that at any moment we can wreck everything in our lives with one indiscretion. Honestly I let a lot of youth and older ppl down but I didn't die in my sin so I had a chance to get it right.... now I striving to do my best daily!!! And Jesus is in me like never before!!! He'll do the same the others...
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