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Article Title: Kutless: Revolutionary Rockers Or Worship Wimp-outs?
Author of reported comment: Jeff
Comment Date: 16:09 on Dec 9 2009
Comment: I love the broad brush stroke that was made... I thought it sucked.... but you never really told us why it sucked... the production, writing was not that good.. I really think there is a reason why some writers are free lance... cause you writing sucked with or with out pink hair (insert your ego here) not sure what that had to do with Kutless and more about you.... some day you will grow in your writing craft and ask real questions like on Stong Tower how did that song come about.. the reality is that there are very few true Christian rock stations in the US and probably none in UK. Kutless tripled their fan base with that CD, might be a sell out but I bet they have a good bank account.
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