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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: TYE BEE
Comment Date: 23:15 on Dec 14 2009
Comment: One thing we have to keep in mind is that we as people have been given the power to decide right or wrong. These two artist have been influential in my life and have encouraged me to be myself so I'm gonna be real and say that this saddens me but it doesnt stop me from doing my ministry, whether it be teaching or singing, to speak negatively. True enough, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But with that being said the word of God states in Jude that He is able to keep us from falling. We've got to look to the hills from whence cometh our help and understand us continuing to discuss this isn't solving the issue or helping these families heal from wounds that are deeper then some of us could even imagine... Prayer is the key. Talking and categorizing these artist as if they aren't fleshly beings like as we, is not whats up. remember your downfalls and how you needed prayer fasting and Gods word to help you get yourselves together. Be encouraged... Remember the second of the commandments Christ left us: Love your neighbors as yourselves
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