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Article Title: Vocal Changes
Author of reported comment: Bill Reichert
Comment Date: 06:19 on Dec 17 2009
Comment: I too am saddened by the fact that Guy Penrod is leaving GVB. As a vocal group singer myself I have listened to and studued the DVD performances of the group very carefully. The vocal harmonies of Guy Penrod as a second tenor/lead and David Phelps as first tenor were spellbinding and vocally spectacular. It is magic to hear them in such songs as Good Good News, Yes I know, I'm gonna sing, On the authority, Knowing you'll be there, Sinner saved by grace. and many others they performed together. Stop reading this comment and go to The Best of Guy Penrod album on"you tube"...listen and watch "Sinner saved by grace" and tell me it isn't magic to hear the harmony between Penrod and Phelps. God has blessed them both with magnificent vocal ability and further blessed us all in bringing GVB together with both of them hitting the top two notes and Bill G or Russ T or Mark L on Bass and Baritone. Guy will never regain the vocal harmony magic as a solo artist and will someday rue the day he left the group. He will do well and he will sing up a storm and he will please his fans...but deep down inside he will miss the vocal dynamics that sent chills down your spine on playback. I wish him well and pray he will someday rejoin "God's Choir" The GVB.
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