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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Rev. M. Hilton
Comment Date: 00:38 on Dec 20 2009
Comment: I am not dissapointed because they are chirstians or ministers. I dissapointed because they have to deal with such a tough situation. I am also dissapointed in some of the other posts on this site that question both men's charater, righteousness, and salvation. (Hey, Mr or Ms "Love God" need to read the 3rd Chapter of Galatians.) Paul, in the book of Roman(who has given the bulk of how we conduct ourselves as the church) even says that he himself has a hard time doing what is right! Even David, who was a man after God's own heart, slept with Bathsheba...and when she became pregnant, David had her husband killed. Peter walked with Jesus, yet he denied Jesus. ...people Tye and Emmanuel (da truth), Paul, David, Peter, and You and I ARE NOT EXAMPLES OF A CHRISTIANS! We and they alike, are only sinners saved by grace. The ONLY example is CHRIST! The reason why so many believers and non-believers are so jacked up in their faith, is because so many leaders try to appear to "be" the "example." If our christian leaders would begin to express that they don't have it together, and that they are not the example the Body of Christ will begin to grow and CLEARLY SEE JESUS WHO IS THE REAL EXAMPLE! Paul said it best. As he tries to help us, he also tells us that he doesn't consider himself to have it ALL right...but yet he is still pressing toward the mark. He also says that he is a wretched man, but JESUS saves him from himself. In closing, our leaders are not super human or super saved. They are just like everybody else...let us keep our leaders in prayer, as we show the world that we are not the example....CHRIST IS!!
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