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Article Title: Communication Breakdown
Author of reported comment: Steve J O'Brien
Comment Date: 21:37 on Dec 21 2009
Comment: Interesting Read and well written, I can understand why a lot of young people turn away from faith . I have been to Christian Cathedrals and Chapels more in the last year than in my life most of the time (except forthe Cathedrals) they are empty which gives me trime to reflect and get a feel of the atmosphere I then take lots and lots of Phototgraphs But over theyear I yearn to return to these places more and more not for the phototgraphy although I still take the shots but for the peace I feel when I am in these wonderful places So the more you go the more the feelings enter your 'soul' I don'tneed preachers to tell me stuff I just sit and listen to me
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