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Article Title: From Rasta To Disciple
Author of reported comment: Empress Suzan
Comment Date: 20:10 on Dec 28 2009
Comment: Consider the implications if Selassie said, “… a human being should not be emulated for a deity.” This would suggest that as a Christian he did not worship Jesus as God (because Jesus was a human being). From Rev 19:10 - And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Christians have historically been divided as to whether Jesus was a Man or whether he was God. It is one of the most difficult theological questions and is fundamentally a paradox. However, if Jesus returned as a man again on earth, would he not say that he is a man and that God alone should be worshipped? It was only when he was channeling the Voice of the Spirit that he spoke as God (I AM the Way, the Truth and the Light). What Rasta are really dealing with is the concept of God in Man and God in Woman. Every righteous man and woman channels the Holy Spirit of God. This was how Jesus lived and what he taught. By coming again as Selassie he proved that the Spirit is ever-living. Historically it is clear that Selassie fulfilled Biblical Prophecy concerning the Second Advent.
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