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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: ND
Comment Date: 23:27 on Dec 29 2009
Comment: Spoken in true cliche form!! The modern gospel message of, no judging, all has fallen short, nobodies perfect, and just except any and everybody in love has really tainted the true nature of the Gospel. No wonder why it's so easy for people to make a mockery out of Christianity. People no long fear God because the church no longer fears God. The world is just following our example. They have more moral fiber than we do. When you are on a big platform it is necessary for an open rebuke to take place to show the body such behavior shouldn't be tolerated by those who are supposed to be on the forefront. Guest what... Tye and Truth according to the word of God has disqualified themselves from ministering the Gospel in form of a large platform. Our prayers should be that they are restored in the Grace of God but not in the previous office in which they once occupied. Moses and the high priest aaron was both punished for deeds done while leading God's people......should Tye, Truth, Jamaal Bryant, Zachery Timms, and others be exempt? People will start living holy once we stop excepting anything. Osteen's wife alleged blow up on the plane was a mistake.... cheating on your wife with prostitutes, chior members, minors, and mentors wife is horrible on all levels. True leaders don't just take sabbaticals, they completely step down for the kingdoms sake to not confuse people and hurt the churches witness. They need to understand that God is good even though they are now an usher, or a regular Joe with a regular Job.
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