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Article Title: Communication Breakdown
Author of reported comment: Lawson
Comment Date: 08:49 on Dec 30 2009
Comment: Spot on Paul as ever. Its probably one of the reasons we started street church in our area for the guy on the street who is seeking some relevancy in what is a beautifully simple gospel. But isn't the church although trying to be different in its "speak"starting to conform more and more to the pattern of this world. Just imagine today the passing Priest saying to the robbed man on the Jericho road "Sorry my son. I’m not a qualified lifesaver. My first aid certificate and CRB are out of date; never been on a mentoring course; and my ass is not insured. Besides the synagogue health and safety committee won’t meet until next week to discuss your situation. But be blessed. Or imagine Jesus saying to the man being lowered through the roof "“Hold it guys! Nobody is getting a miracle until I see the health and safety risk assessment for the hole in the roof.” Imagine at the feeding of the 5000 Jesus saying "“ You feed them! I haven’t got a food and hygiene certificate.” or at the last supper "“ Look John, for the last time, no agenda, no minutes, no meeting! We’ll just do supper okay!” Oh for a more simple church. God Bless you Paul
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