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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: JBells
Comment Date: 00:39 on Jan 6 2010
Comment: All you people that are saying 'pray for them' and 'its just a test and he will make it through' and 'all have come short' need a reality check. Dropping your pants for sexual pleasure is not the same as stealing a loaf of bread because you are poor and hungry. And it wasn't a test. That's the trouble with you people, always excusing sexual improprieties, that's why its still rife in the church leaders today. With all this rubbish, that it is the devil that made them do it. And pray for them! For what? They are the ones who have had their 'sweeties' and now I have to let them off the hook and pray for them!! And what are they doing - having a laugh, no doubt. But not at my expense.
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