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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: ckosanke
Comment Date: 22:20 on Jan 8 2010
Comment: I know exactly what the parties involved are going through. My father was the pastor of a very prominent and growing ministry and he like many other men of God "fell" when he committed adultry. At the time when my family needed support from the body of Christ the most, just about EVERYONE that claimed God called them to be joined/connected to the ministry, left and either started their own church (as if they are perfect and would prove that they could do it better), or gossiped and shamed my father's name even more. I agree that "church people", specifically within the black community have a tendency to exalt our pastors and spiritual leaders beyond human expectations. So when something like this happens, the reaction is just as drastic as the action. It saddens me that the body of Christ is SO hypocritical when pastors or in this case ministers in music commit sin. I said all this to say he who is without sin, cast the first stone. What skeletons are in your closet that you hope no one finds out about? Also, don't get mad at the Christian websites that post this information. Why are you reading it if it so wrong?
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