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Article Title: The Best Of Andrew Culverwell
Author of reported comment: Jeanette Melton
Comment Date: 23:12 on Jan 10 2010
Comment: Today in our Sunday School class, our lesson was in ark where Jesus asks His disciples "Who do you say that I am" My mind went back to a song I use to listrn to by Andrew Culverwell and wondered where he was now and if he was still singing. So I googled up his name it sent me to this website and I read all the comments about how his music touched their lives. I too was changed and encouraged in the Lord through his music. I ws one of those young Acteens who heard him for the first time at the convention in Menphis, Tn in '76! I remember the first time we all heard him and saw him we all screamed and screamed!! at that point I was caught up in the looks and the accent like alot of other young girls. but later when I listened to my tape I began to really listrn to the words of the songs and they began to change my heart and the way I saw myself and God. Thank you Andrew for being obedient to the Lord and listening to His Holy Spirit to create and write your songs. I really would like to know how to buy your cds of your songs made in thr 70's. Please tell me how I could do that. thank you
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